A propos de l'Expo du Congrès | Exposant.e.s
Expo du Congrès
La plus grande vitrine de livres universitaires au Canada
À l'Expo, vous pourrez découvrir des œuvres littéraires exceptionnelles, rencontrer des éditeur.rice.s, nouer des liens avec les plus grands et les plus brillants esprits savants, et vous laisser tenter par un peu de thérapie par le détail. Que vous participiez à la conférence de votre association ou que vous soyez un.e participant.e communautaire de Toronto, tou.te.s les congressistes ont accès à l'Expo. Avec plus de 20 exposant.e.s cette année au Collège George Brown, chacun y trouvera son compte.
May 30 - June 2. A Booth for multicultural Social sciences Book Display
Exhibition of books and journals published by Athabasca University Press.
Broadview Press: An independent publisher in the humanities established in 1985.
Canadian Scholars & Women's Press
Canadian Scholars publishes high-quality textbooks and teaching/learning resources for higher education that make a genuine and lasting contribution to a wide variety of disciplines, including gender and sexuality, Indigenous studies, health, education, and business studies.
Publisher of fine literary fiction, poetry, and select nonfiction. Celebrating our 60th anniversary.
Concordia University Press is a non-profit publisher of peer-reviewed books that cross disciplinary boundaries and propel scholarly inquiry into new areas.
Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences
The Federation is a not-for-profit charitable organization with a membership of over 160 Canadian universities, colleges, and scholarly associations representing 91,000 researchers and graduate students.
For over thirty years, Fernwood has published for scholarly, academic, literary, and general readers. Our books analyze exploitation and oppression while amplifying struggles seeking to transform a harmful status quo.
HarperCollinsCanada is a leading English-language publisher and the proud home of many bestselling and award-winning Canadian and international authors. We also handle distribution of titles from our sister companies in the U.S. and U.K.
Les Presses de l'Université d'Ottaw (PUO-UOP)
La plus grande des presses universitaires bilingues en Amérique du Nord et la maison d’édition d’une des dix plus grandes universités de recherche au Canada.
Literary Press Group of Canada
The LPG is a national not-for-profit association representing Canadian-owned and -operated literary book publishers. Our members produce books by some of Canada’s most creative writers, giving readers access to diverse voices that haven't been well represented in mainstream publishing.
McGill-Queen's University Press
With over 4,000 books in print, MQUP is a scholarly publisher that defends, refutes, and creates fresh interpretations of the world.
We publish scholarly books about the North Atlantic region, with a special focus on Newfoundland and Labrador and Atlantic Canada more broadly.
Penguin Random House Canada is Canada's largest English-language book publisher and distributor.
Peter Lang est spécialisé dans les sciences humaines et sociales, couvrant l'ensemble du spectre des publications, des monographies aux manuels scolaires.
Research Impact Canada is a pan-Canadian network dedicated to maximizing the impact of research for the public good.
UBC Press est fière d’être l’agent canadien de vingt-quatre éditeurs, offrant des services de marketing et de distribution au Canada et dans le monde.
UAlberta Press is a contemporary, award-winning publisher of scholarly and creative books distinguished by their editorial care, exceptional design, and global reach.
University of British Columbia Press
UBC Press publie des livres qui font partie intégrante du tissu culturel, politique et social du Canada et perpétue le rayonnement des savoirs contemporains.
At the University of Calgary Press we publish peer-reviewed scholarly books that connect local experience to the global community, helping to create a deeper understanding of human dynamics in a changing world.
Founded in 1967, University of Manitoba Press is a leading publisher of books on Indigenous history, Indigenous studies, and Canadian history.
University of Toronto Press: publishing local authors and local books for 100 years and beyond!
Wilfrid Laurier University Press
Fondée en 1974, les Presses universitaires Wilfrid Laurier publient des livres en sciences sociales et humaines, avec des spécialisations en études autochtones, féminisme et études des femmes, écritures de vie, poésie, critique littéraire et histoire.