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Le blogue de la Fédération est un espace virtuel qui permet aux chercheur.euse.s et aux membres de la communauté des sciences humaines de discuter respectueusement des idées et des enjeux qui touchent cette dernière. Veuillez consulter le règlement du blogue de la Fédération pour les informations de soumission.

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The Doctoral Dissertation – A Consultation

There was a time when a PhD dissertation in the Humanities or most Social Sciences was an early version of a single-authored scholarly manuscript. Things are changing. Today, the three-article thesis is accepted – even the norm – in some disciplines...

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Tools that help us talk about impacts in the humanities

On February 8-9, I was very happy to meet with colleagues at the University of Manitoba, during a visit organized by the Institute for Humanities. In presentations and discussion sessions, we covered topics relating to the measurement and appraisal...

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Se dire arabe au Canada : un siècle d'histoire migratoire

Lorsque je me suis intéressée à la genèse de l’immigration arabe au Canada, j’ai constaté que si les « Arabes » suscitaient l’attention des médias, des sociologues et des experts, leur histoire, leurs identités et leurs actions politiques étaient...

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Sesquicentennial is no longer just about Canada

Canada’s 150 th anniversary offers up a unique moment in time -- a pause, if you will, to reflect on where we’ve been and our country’s potential for the future. There will be many celebrations over the coming year to mark 150 years since...

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The Federation and DHSI partner on digital skills training

The Digital Humanities Summer Institute (DHSI) is an annual training opportunity hosted at the University of Victoria in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. DHSI is the largest regular digital humanities skills training institute in the world, and...

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Back to school: What is the media saying?

As Junior Communications Officer at the Federation, I monitor the “back to school” news that fills the media every September when more than a million Canadian students head back to college and university. In this blog you can find a variety of...

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Actualité des SH

Bonnes idées : Foire aux questions avec Joel Westheimer

Commanditée par la Fédération des sciences humaines, cette série d’articles met en lumière les bonnes idées de chercheurs de la discipline pour un monde meilleur. Nous nous entretenons ce mois-ci avec Joel Westheimer, titulaire de la Chaire de...