Sesquicentennial is no longer just about Canada

3 février 2017
Auteur(s) :
Paul Davidson, president, Universities Canada; Christine Tausig Ford, interim executive director, Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences

Canada’s 150th anniversary offers up a unique moment in time -- a pause, if you will, to reflect on where we’ve been and our country’s potential for the future.

There will be many celebrations over the coming year to mark 150 years since Confederation, but our sesquicentennial is about much more than cake and fireworks. Most importantly, it’s about coming together to chart a path to 2067.

At our 200th anniversary, what kind of Canada do we want to be? What can and should we become as a nation?

That’s the challenge laid before 100 young leaders from universities across Canada gathering in Ottawa next week. At Converge 2017, they’ll interact with Dominic Barton of McKinsey Group, chair of the federal government’s Advisory Council on Economic Growth; Roberta Jamieson, CEO  of Indspire; and the Rt. Hon David Johnston, Governor General of Canada,  in exploring Canada’s potential to be a more inclusive, innovative and prosperous nation. They’ll share bold ideas and ambitions with leading thinkers in business, government and communities.

Universities Canada is hosting Converge 2017, with the support of the Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences, to bring fresh thinking and bold ideas to the discussion about Canada’s future.   

Converge 2017, and the hundreds of events on campuses to follow, highlight the role of universities in advancing reconciliation, strengthening pluralism and fueling innovation. They will raise awareness of universities’ commitment to the values of diversity, inclusion and openness.

We must remember that Canada 150 is not only a national moment, it is now a global moment. Our themes of reconciliation, pluralism and inclusive innovation could not be timelier.

More than ever before, Canada is called upon to be a beacon of hope in the world. At Converge 2017 and the events that follow, we will deepen our commitment and mobilize new ideas to build a better Canada for the future.

Many of the sessions at Converge 2017 will be livestreamed and we invite you to join us. More information is available here.

We look forward to connecting with you at Canada 150 events on campuses across the country this year to celebrate, reflect and take bold action toward a better Canada.