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Le blogue de la Fédération est un espace virtuel qui permet aux chercheur.euse.s et aux membres de la communauté des sciences humaines de discuter respectueusement des idées et des enjeux qui touchent cette dernière. Veuillez consulter le règlement du blogue de la Fédération pour les informations de soumission.

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Immigration and multiculturalism in North America and Europe

Immigration and multiculturalism are important aspects of North American society. Hundreds of thousands of immigrants are welcomed by Canada and the United States every year. This Big Thinking panel at Congress 2015 examined integration policies as...

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Publishing and marketing your scholarly book

At Congress 2015, publishers from across Canada joined academics in a Career Corner panel discussion on publishing and marketing your scholarly book. The publishers spoke passionately about books and provided practical tips and advice, especially for...

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#HackCongress: Bring your own data

The all-day hackfest at Congress 2015 was certainly not reserved for computer geniuses only. Researchers of all levels of technology know-how gathered to collaborate on different methods of tackling research data. The event encouraged experimentation...

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La sélection musicale des auditeurs

Omar Mouallem SHARCNET a reçu du financement de la Fondation canadienne pour l’innovation Innovation Fund . Matthew Woolhouse présentera « Decomposing the Human Development Index with Respect to Music » à la séance « Consuming Culture » de la...

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Les tenants et aboutissants du gouvernement ouvert

Thom Kearney, Secrétariat du gouvernement ouvert, Gouvernement du Canada Le Congrès 2015 des sciences humaines a lieu à un tournant décisif du gouvernement ouvert au Canada. De fait, en novembre 2014, le gouvernement du Canada a publié son Plan d...

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The Publisher's Role and its Challenges

Nota bene: The Federation works with many publishers through its Awards to Scholarly Publications Program (ASPP). We admire the work they do, though we also know that it is not well understood. So in honour of World Book and Copyright Day, we have...