CFHSS congratulates members of its board on their new appointments

9 décembre 2011

Here at CFHSS we are very proud of the excellence and expertise among our Board of Directors. The members of our board show tremendous leadership at their institutions, and that translates into strong leadership of CFHSS as well.

We are, therefore, pleased to congratulate CFHSS president Graham Carr on being named the Interim Vice-President of Research and Graduate Studies at Concordia University. For more information on the announcement you can read the Concordia release here.

Graham’s new position follows the recent appointment of Karen Grant, our Vice-President Research Policy, to the post of Provost and Vice-President, Academic and Research at Mount Allison University, and the appointment of Noreen Golfman, our Past-President, to a position on the Board of Directors of the Canadian Association of Graduate Studies.

Our board members’ diversity of expertise certainly makes for rich discussion around the board table. This is also the kind of excellence CFHSS is seeing among the new applicants to the executive. Many have displayed impressive credentials and CVs and are sure to bring even more wisdom and enthusiasm to our organization and the humanities and social sciences sector.