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Much maligned Monsters: Islam, Immigration, and Islamization

Randip Bakshi http://www.twitter.com/randipbakshi I must confess this was a session I was very skeptical about. I wondered, as Saunders wondered when writing his book, how someone who subscribes to many of these myths could be objective, let alone...

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Medieval Medley: Painting and Sculpture at the CSM Meeting

Randip Bakshi http://www.twitter.com/randipbakshi The panelists setting up as the session chair looks on. (Featured: John Osborne, Erica Dodd, and Lesley Jessop) Monday afternoon's session on Painting and Sculpture noted John Osborne, President of...

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Panel calls for national-level Open Access infrastructure

Vanessa Hawk Left to Right: Janet Halliwell, Gisèle Yasmeen, Jean-Francois Fortin, Brian Owen Open access is increasingly becoming a hot issue for academics, publishers and institutions around the world with the advent of free, online access to...

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Wishful Thinking Indeed

Randip Bakshi http://www.twitter.com/randipbakshi Robyn Wiegman's aptly titled lecture "Wishful Thinking: On a Queer Feminist Criticism and the Reparative Turn" was in layman's terms sold out! The room was buzzing with activity an hour before the...