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Caring Across Boundaries at Congress

Andrea Auger , Reconciliation and Research Manager, First Nations Child & Family Caring Society of Canada The First Nations Child and Family Caring Society (the Caring Society) is thrilled to be a part of the 2015 Congress for the Humanities and...

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ASPP Spotlight: Vicarious Kinks, by Ummni Khan

Professor Ummni Khan , Associate Professor in the Department of Law and Legal Studies at Carleton University, is not one to shy away from “taboo” research topics. Her latest book, Vicarious Kinks: SM in the Socio-Legal Imaginary (University of...

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Apprendre par les chiffres

La recherche menée à la Wilfred Laurier University propose de nouvelles façons d’enseigner les mathématiques aux enfants Malorie Bertrand , Fondation canadienne pour l'innovation Rendez-vous sur innovation.ca pour consulter des histoires de...

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La boîte en carton prend du galon

Des chercheurs utilisent cette matière bon marché et légère pour aider des parents à concevoir du matériel personnalisé adapté aux besoins spéciaux de leur enfant Malorie Bertrand , Fondation canadienne pour l'innovation Rendez-vous sur innovation.ca...

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First World War shaped values of Canadian children: author

Susan Fisher says writing Boys and Girls in No Man’s Land: English-Canadian Children and the First World War had an unexpected personal benefit: It helped her understand the world in which her parents grew up. Fisher, whose book has won this year’s...

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Rethinking hate crimes: The hard work of creating social equity

Lucas Crawford and Robert Nichols, University of Alberta Guest Contributors Monday, May 10th was Alberta’s inaugural ‘Hate Crimes Awareness Day,’ an event that raised more questions than answers. Offered as an opportunity to ‘celebrate’ the successes...