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Le blogue de la Fédération est un espace virtuel qui permet aux chercheur.euse.s et aux membres de la communauté des sciences humaines de discuter respectueusement des idées et des enjeux qui touchent cette dernière. Veuillez consulter le règlement du blogue de la Fédération pour les informations de soumission.

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Back to school 2017 – what is the media saying?

Kayla MacIntosh , Junior Communications Officer, Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences Every September, millions of Canadian students return to campus for a new academic year. In this blog you can read about a variety of conversations...

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Canada needs to confront the causes of a post-truth world

This op-ed was originally published by Canadian Science Policy Centre on October 10, 2017. One day, the U.S. president is taunting North Korea, treating nuclear conflict like it’s WrestleMania. The next, he glibly dismisses racial injustice in...

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What is science worth for us?

Since the 1990s, policy makers progressively became interested in assessing scientific research not only on its merits for the scientific community, but also for society at large. However, we still do not have a widely accepted, systematic way to...

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On the Impacts of Teaching

Nancy Chick , Academic Director of the Taylor Institute, University Chair in Teaching and Learning and Teaching Professor at the University of Calgary A key contribution of the Federation’s Approaches to Assessing Impacts in the Humanities and Social...

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HPHD Futures: The humanities PhD in 2027

The Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences brings together leading thinkers, academics, researchers, policy-makers and innovators to explore some of the world’s most challenging issues. Congress celebrates the vitality and quality of Canadian...

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The Doctoral Dissertation – A Consultation

The Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences brings together leading thinkers, academics, researchers, policy-makers and innovators to explore some of the world’s most challenging issues. Congress celebrates the vitality and quality of Canadian...

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Journalism + Academia = Better information

There’s a sad irony facing society today: at a time when people need strong journalism more than ever, the business model of the legacy journalism industry is broken and may be beyond repair. In a world where “fake news” has found its way into the...

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Ryerson presents… An evening with Cornel West

Celebrating Congress 2017, Ryerson University is pleased to present “An evening with Cornel West.” Known for his passion, humility, grace and humour, Cornel West is one of America’s most outspoken critics on race, poverty and democracy. The Princeton...