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Le blogue de la Fédération est un espace virtuel qui permet aux chercheur.euse.s et aux membres de la communauté des sciences humaines de discuter respectueusement des idées et des enjeux qui touchent cette dernière. Veuillez consulter le règlement du blogue de la Fédération pour les informations de soumission.

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The challenge of reconciliation in one moment

For me, the most exciting, challenging and inspiring moment at the Federation’s Annual Conference last week came from a young woman who spoke from the floor. We had just heard a moving and thought-provoking talk from Wab Kinew, the acclaimed writer...

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Binging on Netflix or philosophizing?

“There is nothing in philosophy which could not be said in everyday language,” once said the twentieth-century French philosopher Henri Bergson . In other words, what makes philosophy attractive is that it expresses what we instinctively believe to...

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Why are we still debating diversity versus merit in 2015?

Susan Franceschet , University of Calgary; Karen Beckwith , Case Western Reserve University; Claire Annesley , University of Sussex Canada’s first gender-equal cabinet is being celebrated by equality and diversity advocates but criticized by those...

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La connaissance importe dans notre élection

Joan Sangster , présidente, Société historique du Canada et Stephen Toope , président, Fédération des sciences humaines À la suite de cinq débats télévisés des chefs à l’occasion des élections fédérales canadiennes de 2015, Joan Sangster, présidente...

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Federation and DHSI partner on DH skills training

The Digital Humanities Summer Institute is an annual training opportunity hosted at the University of Victoria in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. DHSI is the largest regular digital humanities skills training institute in the world, and has an...

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Œuvres complètes d’Anne Hébert

Nathalie Watteyne , professeure de littérature à l’Université de Sherbrooke À la fois poète, romancière, nouvelliste et dramaturge, Anne Hébert me fascine depuis l’adolescence. Lorsque je fus nommée directrice du Centre Anne-Hébert en 2003, je...

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Lunch-Bucket Lives: Remaking the Workers' City

Craig Heron , professor of history at York University Hamilton is an iconic city in Canada. For generations, it has been the quintessential factory town, a status confirmed by the view of fire-spewing, smoke-belching Dark Satanic Mills from the...

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Technological Unemployment and the Future of Work

What world can we imagine in 20, 30, even 50 years in the future? How rapid will technology advance and how do we develop policy to match the speed of development? How many times will my job description change? What do we do when machine intelligence...