Eight ways to dive into Digital Humanities

10 mai 2017
Auteur(s) :
Constance Crompton Assistant Professor, Digital Humanities, Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies, The University of British Columbia

We've all heard that digital tools can help enhance our research, teaching, and dissemination. That said, it's not always clear how to get started. On May 27 and 28, the DHSI@Congress  will return to Congress for its fourth year. The series features eight  2.5-hour introductory workshops covering everything from augmented reality and 3D printing to DH pedagogy and DH theory and a plenary by Ryerson's Centre for Digital Humanities Director, Lorraine Janzen Kooistra.

The DHSI@Congress is built on the community model of the Digital Humanities Summer Institute at the University of Victoria, now celebrating its 16th anniversary. The DHSI@Congress sessions, facilitated by established scholars and emerging leaders in the field, introduce a wide range of Digital Humanities methods and methodologies. As Ray Siemens, the Director of the DHSI has put it, when we gather "we come together as a community dedicated to teaching and learning from one another — together shaping the experiences, knowledge and skills that define us and our community of practice." Come join the community to find out what DH can do for you!

For full descriptions and registration information see http://dhsi.org/events.php#DHSI@Congress, tweet at @DHInsitute, or email Constance Crompton at constance.crompton@ubc.ca