Planning my trip to Congress 2015

14 janvier 2015

Mara Juneau, Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences

I am really excited to attend Congress 2015, hosted in the heart of the nation’s capital, where everything is centralized and convenient!

Okay, I’m registered. Now what?

First, I need to find a place to rest my head! Having reviewed the Congress 2015 website, I know that the majority of Congress hotels are less than 1.5 km away from the University of Ottawa campus, where Congress will take place. This makes getting around very simple. I love simple (don’t misread this for laziness--I’m just efficient!) Besides, what better way to begin and end a beautiful spring day in Ottawa than passing over the Rideau Canal? Hey, I might even meet someone special and leave my own lock on Ottawa’s love lock bridge!

Or, alternatively, I could find accommodation on campus and enjoy the warm embrace of the ivory tower. There is nothing like a throwback to the good ole days of living in residence and feeling like I am 20 again! (Also, I would be in close proximity to the beer tent.)The University of Ottawa has over 1,000 spots in residences available to book each night, only a few minutes’ walk to the Byward Market, a great spot if you like beer (do you see a theme emerging here?).  In fact, the market has a lot to offer: great restaurants, beavertails, patios, local vendors...a little slice of heaven in the heart of Ottawa.

Now, how will I get there? By train, plane or automobile?

I myself have decided to leave my car at home. Why, you might ask?

First, I’m an environmentalist at heart. Second, I hate paying for parking. And, finally, exploring a city on foot is by far the best way to see it! Ottawa is a perfectly-sized city where almost everything is within comfortable walking distance.

So I am flying into Ottawa Airport and hopping on a city bus that is going to take me straight to campus! It is cost effective, convenient and environmentally friendly. Just how I like to roll...pardon the pun.

But, if you have something else in mind, check out our website for a full list of travel options to Ottawa.

I cannot wait for Congress 2015! See you there!