News from the social sciences and humanities: Trudeau Fellows, GG Literary Awards and environmental humanities

4 octobre 2012

Milena Stanoeva Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences

This week, the Trudeau Foundation announced its 2012 Fellows – Maria Campbell, Catherine Dauvergne, Joseph Heath and Janine Marchessault. CFHSS congratulates this year’s fellows!

Finalists have been announced for the Governor General’s Literary Awards. Yannick Roy, an ASPP-funded author, is among the French finalists for non-fiction for his book La révélation inachevée : le personnage à l’épreuve de la vérité Romanesque, published by Presses de l’Université de Montréal. Congratulations to Yannick Roy!

The Conversation published a blog post on the importance of the humanities in discussing and addressing climate change. Author Thom van Dooren argues that we must be able to consider the human side of environmental issues in order to address them more effectively.

Photo courtesy of Kunan Naik on Flickr.