News from the social sciences and humanities: Death of Evidence, copyright and funding cuts

12 juillet 2012

Milena Stanoeva Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences

On Tuesday, thousands of scientists descended on Parliament Hill to hold a mock funeral for the death of evidence. They were protesting funding cuts to important research programs, as well as the Harper government’s limitations on the ability of government-funded scientists to speak to the public. You can read our summary of the protest here, as well as Léo Charbonneau’s analysis of the event over at Margin Notes.

Smaro Kamboureli, Canada Research Chair in Critical Studies in Canadian Literature and director of the University of Guelph’s TransCanada Institute, spoke to the Guelph Mercury about the ways in which current research funding trends, where emphasis is placed on applied research, hurt the arts and humanities.

The International Social Science Council is compiling the third World Social Science Report on the topic of “Changing Global Environments: Transformative Impact of Social Sciences.” The ISSC is looking for contributions. Submit your expression of interest by July 20, 2012. Contact for more information.

The Supreme Court of Canada released rulings today on five cases involving copyright, upholding fair dealing. Michael Geist has a preliminary analysis of the significance of the rulings for education and innovation.

John Miesel and John Graham published an article in the Globe and Mail looking at why the Canadian studies abroad program – Understanding Canada – was cut, and what the potential consequences of the cuts are.