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Le blogue de la Fédération est un espace virtuel qui permet aux chercheur.euse.s et aux membres de la communauté des sciences humaines de discuter respectueusement des idées et des enjeux qui touchent cette dernière. Veuillez consulter le règlement du blogue de la Fédération pour les informations de soumission.
Shifts Happen
It is always nice to start the new academic year on a bit of a high, not always easy given enrollment challenges, coping with an election that has lasted longer than some prime ministerial terms, and being bombarded with Gradgrindingly Wente-esque...
The complexity of poverty in Canada
This blog post marks the occasion of the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty on October 17. For more information about this day, go here. Over the past 40 years poverty in Canada has become increasingly complex, racialized and often...
Back to school: What is the media saying?
As Media Officer at the Federation, I monitor “back to school” media every September to get a snapshot of what dominates current debates and conversations in the postsecondary education (PSE) sector, and what some of the biggest priorities and...
La communauté canadienne des sciences humaines apporte connaissances et expertise au débat sur les réfugiés en cours
Gauri Sreenivasan, Directrice des politiques et des programmes, Fédération des sciences humaines Le débat international qui n’a cessé de s’intensifier pendant des mois sur les obligations des différents pays au regard du flux des réfugiés et des...
Lunch-Bucket Lives: Remaking the Workers' City
Craig Heron, professor of history at York University Hamilton is an iconic city in Canada. For generations, it has been the quintessential factory town, a status confirmed by the view of fire-spewing, smoke-belching Dark Satanic Mills from the...
Des nouvelles méthodes d’apprentissage pour « Imaginer l’avenir du Canada »
Pour continuer à prospérer au XXI e siècle, le Canada doit être proactif et réfléchir collectivement à ses possibilités d’avenir afin d’être en mesure d’anticiper ses besoins comme société et en matière de connaissances, ainsi que les enjeux auxquels...
When big data meets the soul of culture: innovation for the future
The digital age is rapidly changing how scholars produce, share, analyze and preserve ideas. At Monday’s interdisciplinary symposium at Congress 2015, the changing nature of scholarly research with technology was the topic of discussion. One of the...
Technological Unemployment and the Future of Work
What world can we imagine in 20, 30, even 50 years in the future? How rapid will technology advance and how do we develop policy to match the speed of development? How many times will my job description change? What do we do when machine intelligence...
Immigration and multiculturalism in North America and Europe
Immigration and multiculturalism are important aspects of North American society. Hundreds of thousands of immigrants are welcomed by Canada and the United States every year. This Big Thinking panel at Congress 2015 examined integration policies as...