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Mentoring, gendered work and an academic career

Sarah Wolfe, University of Waterloo and Ailsa Craig, Memorial University Guest Contributors Every day begins with an email: ‘Here’s my pact. What are you doing today?’ The messages fly back and forth, halfway across the country. Hardly the...

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Differential equity: Rocks and other hard places

Donna Palmateer Pennee, University of Western Ontario Guest Contributor As a dean and as a researcher and teacher, I have a personal commitment to equity that is focused on not losing ground for those whose rights have improved significantly, while...

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Canadian scholars in solidarity with Chile

Malinda S. Smith, vice-president (Equity) CFHSS Perhaps the epic poem, La Araucana, said it best: “Chile, province fertile and marked / in the famed region of Antarctica / by remote nations respected / for its strength, nobility, and power.” Chile is...

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Unreasonably focusing on reasonable accommodation in Canada?

Jean-François Gaudreault-DesBiens, Université de Montréal Guest Contributor Here we go again. As I write this entry, a new controversy has erupted following a Quebec government’s decision to allow private Chassidic schools to hold classes on weekends...

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Children Matter: Equity and childcare on campus

Susan Prentice, University of Manitoba Guest Contributor Photo courtesy myfear on Flickr. Childcare politics are again a hot issue on Canadian campuses. In late November, a coalition of faculty, students and staff dissuaded the University of Victoria...