The 2013 Canada Prize winner videos are now online!

September 5, 2013

Publishers are currently submitting their nominations for the 2014 Canada Prizes, the Federation’s annual award to the best scholarly books in the humanities and social sciences that have received funding from the Awards to Scholarly Publications Program. Each year we feature the winning authors in a series of short videos, where they discuss their award-winning works and the fascinating research that went into them. Below are the official videos highlighting the winners of the 2013 Canada Prizes.

Listen to Canada Prize in the Humanities winner François-Marc Gagnon describe a piece of early Canadian art:

Find out how Canadians have spied on each other for over one hundred years from Canada Prize in the Social Sciences winners Reg Whitaker and Andy Parnaby:

Learn about the hidden political and cultural implications of baseball with Michel Nareau, winner of the Prix du Canada en sciences humaines:

Discover the world of Voodoo rituals with Nicolas Vonarx, winner of the Prix du Canada en sciences sociales: