Ottawa is...

February 11, 2015
Nour Aoude, Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences

The backdrop to Congress 2015 is none other than the nation's capital, Ottawa. Whether you are returning or visiting for the first time, I encourage you to take the opportunity to discover what Ottawa has to offer. For me, this begins with world-class galleries, museums, theatres, food, outdoor recreation and nightlife. But Ottawa's real treasure is its people—among the most educated in Canada, Ottawans combine the sophistication of the big city with the laid-back familiarity of a small community. They know their city's hidden cultural treasures, and are happy to show you around. So throw aside outdated descriptors like stodgy, pretentious, and boring, and check out a few more apt words to describe Ottawa in the great video below, made by our friends at Ottawa Tourism.

And if you haven't registered for Congress...well, what are you waiting for?

Ottawa is – Ottawa est | Ottawa Tourism from Ottawa Tourism on Vimeo.