Copyright and the modern academic: a series of debates at Congress 2014

January 3, 2014

Copyright law is a contentious issue for Canadian academics in their roles as teachers, researchers and creators. This will be explored at Congress 2014 in a series of three debates involving some of Canada’s leading copyright experts and practitioners including: Michael Geist (Canada Research Chair in Internet and E-Commerce Law, University of Ottawa) and Glenn Rollans (Partner, Brush Education Publishing); Howard Knopf (counsel, Macera & Jarzyna), and Roanie Levy (Executive Director, Access Copyright); Sam Trosow (Western University) and others.

The debates are organised by Blayne Haggart of Brock University, in partnership with Brock University Council for Research in the Social Sciences (CRISS), the Canadian Association of Learned Journals, the Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education, the Canadian Communications Association, and the Canadian Association for Information Sciences.  They will take place on Sunday 25th May, Wednesday 28th May and Thursday 29th May.

Watch for more information on the Congress website in the coming weeks.