MakerBus Magic

24 mai 2014

Jessica Dixon


Many of my formitive years were spent in front of the television set watching a show that allowed me to learn about the world I live in. The MakerBus reminds me that it will never be a normal field trip. Kim Martin, Ryan Hunt and Beth Compton have poured their combined efforts into one magic bus in order to bring the ‘why’ into the conversation. I was privileged to make their acquaintances and ask about the bus that has everyone talking.

“We all know that the humanities are important," they each agreed; “we want people to think about how they are, and what that means to them.”

Having purchased a bus in 2013 with the help of the London (Ontario) community, this golden trio has poured some significant effort into the greater good. Originally, MakerBus was run out of a basement and focused its efforts on bringing together academics in the field. Since then, the bus itself has broken down the barriers that kept others else out, allowing for the discussion about the humanities to be accessible to an even wider audience. This greatly widened audience and ideas has created a more diverse stream of knowledge.

The bus, currently parked in Brock University’s own Jubilee Courtyard, will sell necklaces, earrings, and other magically-touched (and potentially bus-made) nick-knacks to raise money for their travels across Canada. Stationed at Congress until Tuesday, May 27, the bus will record and publish broadcasts to their blog and social media channels. Sunday, May 25 will include ‘Spicy History’, where knowledgeable individuals will ingest a spicy substance and be encouraged to discuss their field within history.

Interested in learning more about the bus and the projects of those within it? Can’t make it to contribute? Visit their website at to find out more!