SSHRC’s “Research for a Better Life: the Storytellers” contest is back!

6 novembre 2013

Why is it important to support social sciences and humanities research? What issues are being studied, and how do they affect our lives?  Why does it matter?

The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) recently launched the second edition of Research for a Better Life: the Storytellers, a competition aimed at highlighting the tangible results and practical applications of research in the humanities and social sciences. The contest, which opened on November 1st and runs until January 15th, was developed by SSHRC to get people excited about research, encourage young scholars, and investigate ways of connecting researchers with broader audiences. Students from across the country are invited to submit a creative digital presentation describing a SSHRC-funded research project, to communicate how research in the humanities and social sciences can help us to understand and improve the human condition. Visit the SSHRC Storytellers page for more information about how to participate, and check out our blog post about last year’s inaugural contest for a closer look at what The Storytellers is all about.

Once the submissions have been received, an expert panel will determine the Top 25 entries, and the selected Storytellers will have a chance to share their research in an exciting showcase event at the 2014 Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, where another panel will then select the Top 5 presentations. The group of judges at the Congress 2013 showcase included notable figures such as Jay Ingram – writer, broadcaster and former co-host of Discovery Channel’s Daily Planet – and Shari Graydon, founder of Informed Opinions, and award-winning author, educator and activist. To read our coverage of the event and view last year’s Top 5 Storytellers submissions, click here. Included on the panel at the Congress 2014 showcase will be Federation President Antonia Maioni!