The curtain closes on Congress 2023

With over 10,300 attendees, Congress 2023 was one of the biggest scholarly events in Canadian history! As we look back on the past seven days it is with gratitude and pride: for over 300 open events where we discussed, learned and collaborated; for thousands of research presentations and the remarkable voices who presented them; and, at the heart of Congress, the humanities and social sciences community.  

This year, scholars, graduate students, policymakers and community members gathered under the theme Reckonings and Re-Imaginings, to hold vital conversations about the most pressing issues facing our world. In doing so, we demonstrated the remarkable power of working together under a shared vision to create a more equitable and sustainable world. 

Before we depart, let’s take a moment to thank those who made Congress 2023 possible.  

Foremost, our 2023 host York University for giving Congress such an exceptional home. To Andrea A. Davis, Academic Convenor, Rhonda L. Lenton, President, York University and Liz McMahan, Director of Congress, and the whole team at York; thank you each for your wisdom and leadership.  

Thank you to the 67 associations and their members who participated at this year’s Congress for entrusting us with convening and promoting your incredible work. 

Congress would not be possible without our sponsors, the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, the Canadian Foundation for Innovation, Universities Canada, Mitacs, SAGE Publishing, and University Affairs.  

We recognize the contributions of our remarkable Federation team, who hold the honour and pleasure of bringing Congress to life. To the Federation’s contractors and event technicians, we are so grateful for your work behind-the-scenes that makes Congress magic.  

Cheers to a fantastic Congress and see you next year!

All the best,

The Federation team 

We invite you to fill out the Congress 2023 attendee survey