Association conferences

225 - Canadian Association for the Study of International Development (CASID)

Association #
Call-for-papers deadline

The world is facing unprecedent crises including environmental disasters on every continent, global food insecurity, wars and conflicts including the ongoing full-scale invasion of Ukraine, a genocide in Gaza/Palestine and a series of escalations in armed conflict and elsewhere, all happening in tandem with human rights violations and social injustices around the world. Despite the global nature of these challenges and their impacts on everyone, we are also witnessing increasing polarization and heightened divisions that limit our ability to address them.

The CASID 2024 conference focuses on contemporary overlapping crises, their origins and underlying causes, and strategies for tackling injustices in a divided world. CASID invites participants to reflect on these contemporary global crises by sharing research and knowledge on their historical roots and current impacts around the world and by contributing to theoretical insights, new mindsets needed, practical strategies undertaken, and proposed solutions.

This conference is taking place virtually and may include sessions at non-Congress locations. Please review the conference program if available or contact your association for details.

Download program Last update: 2024-05-06
Program Chair(s)
Lina Aburas Awadalla
Adrian Murray
Local Arrangement Coordinator(s)
Denis Cote

For more information, contact the association directly. Please note that conference registration fees are separate from the association’s membership fees.

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