Karine Coen-Sanchez

Karine Coen-Sanchez


Headshot of Karine Cohen-Sanchez

Karine Coen-Sanchez is a Doctoral Candidate in Sociology at the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Ottawa. Her research interests include Experiential Education, Place-based Learning Civics Education, and Social Change/Interdisciplinary Learning. 

A highly engaged activist, organizer, and scholar, Karine has worked tirelessly to forge relationships and initiate systemic change among Black and racialized graduate students in Canada.

At the national level, she has been appointed co-chair for the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council’s (SSHRC) Addressing Anti-Black Racism Committee, focusing on issues of equity, diversity, and inclusion. 

She recently authored the Final Report and Recommendations where she highlighted the need for fair access to research support, equitable participation in research systems, research design and practice, and the production of new knowledge. She is the recipient of the 2023 President EDI award, 2023 SWAAC Student Award in Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, the 2023 ONASBE student achievement Award, and 2023 Knowledge Mobilization Award. She has directed a Mitacs Acceleration Grant focused on inclusivity within the Canadian education system. 

A powerful voice both on the ground and in print.