Ideas can... endure!

July 1, 2014

Each year, Congress is an opportunity to create meaningful connections between researchers and the broader community. The Federation’s tagline “Ideas can...” invites us to make these connections by sharing, forming and transforming our ideas. Once written down, ideas can grow into something even greater, beyond their singular inception.

So the Federation started thinking, why don’t we (the greater “We”) write our ideas down, and see what happens!

At the Federation’s booth at the 2014 Congress Expo, we asked our visitors to consider what ideas mean to them, what ideas can achieve and what ideas can… do.

As visitors dropped in to our booth, they wrote their answers in our thought bubbles, and pinned them to our Bubble board. What was the result, you ask? An immense collection of ideas!

By the end of Congress, the board was overflowing with bubbles, each one different from the other. They ranged from the jovial, to the philosophical, to the critical, to the hopeful. Taken together, they confirm the power and depth of ideas.

But we can’t just keep them to ourselves! So… starting today and continuing for the next days, weeks and months, we’ll be tweeting out an Ideas can… bubble from Congress each and every day!

Be sure to follow us on Twitter at @ideas_idees and retweet the ideas you think should endure. For those who participated, be sure to look out for yours!