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Le blogue de la Fédération est un espace virtuel qui permet aux chercheur.euse.s et aux membres de la communauté des sciences humaines de discuter respectueusement des idées et des enjeux qui touchent cette dernière. Veuillez consulter le règlement du blogue de la Fédération pour les informations de soumission.
Hope for an Unsolvable Social Injustice
Congress 2021 blog edition By Megan Perram (she/her) - PhD Candidate in the Department of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies at the University of Alberta Congress 2021 has taken off with full force. On Thursday morning, opening keynote speaker Dr...
Toronto’s COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout Demonstrates Racism is Alive and Well in Canada, Expert Says
If you’re among the one in three Canadians who still don’t believe racism is a serious problem in our country, you don’t have to look further than our response to the COVID-19 pandemic for proof that inequity remains deeply rooted here. Dr Frances...
We Must Tackle and Dismantle Systemic Racism and White Supremacy.
The exploitation, control and violence against Black people in the Americas is not a new phenomenon. We have seen the world of Black people worsen each day, month, year, decade, and century. The events of May 25, 2020 were another breaking point in...
Accessibility on the Fringes in a Time of Crisis
Guest blog by James Deaville, professor and musicologist at Carleton University. Post-secondary institutions have responded with alacrity to the needs of undergraduate students, whose lives and studies have been disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic...
The value of connection: work-from-home reflections on World Telecommunication and Internet Society day
Guest blog by Fenwick McKelvey, Associate Professor in Information and Communication Technology Policy in the Department of Communication Studies at Concordia University. Here in Montreal, the pandemic coincided with an unusually cold spring, so my...
Simon Brault: The role of arts in protecting democracy
Mandy Len Catron, Congress 2019 guest blogger At Congress 2019, the Big Thinking lecture series considers how the arts function as a platform to engage with scholarship in the humanities and social sciences. Organizers were inspired by three big...
Assisted Reproduction Policy in Canada: Framing, Federalism, and Failure
My interest in assisted reproduction began on an airplane. In August 2017, I was flying from Fredericton, New Brunswick to Calgary to begin a Master’s degree in political science. The day before my flight, I had grabbed a book – Margaret Somerville’s...
Panser le Canada : une histoire intellectuelle de la commission Laurendeau-Dunton, 1963-1971
« Mariage de raison », « deux solitudes », « mal canadien », « marécage », « duel constitutionnel », les métaphores de combat et d’éloignement sont nombreuses dans la littérature pour évoquer les relations conflictuelles entre le Québec et le Canada...
Quand les débats sur les taxes dévoilent les inégalités sociales
Lorsqu’il est question de taxes, la croyance populaire veut que la majorité des gens s’entendent sur une chose : les autres ne paient pas leur juste part comparativement à ce qu’ils devraient payer en impôts. Les Canadiens de la première heure n’ont...